SBA - Standard Bank Angola
SBA stands for Standard Bank Angola
Here you will find, what does SBA stand for in Institution under Banking category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Standard Bank Angola? Standard Bank Angola can be abbreviated as SBA What does SBA stand for? SBA stands for Standard Bank Angola. What does Standard Bank Angola mean?Standard Bank Angola is an expansion of SBA
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Alternative definitions of SBA
- Susan B. Anthony dollar coin
- Santa Barbara, California USA
- Small Business Association
- Small Business Administration
- Small Business Administration
- Small Business Administration
- Sustaining Base Automation
- Spina Bifida Association
View 145 other definitions of SBA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SS The Shipley School
- SAAC Student Athlete Advisory Committee
- SSL Sealion Shipping Limited
- SHS Salinas High School
- SSC Sacramento Superior Court
- SMN Swiss Medical Network
- SCHS Sisters of Charity Health System
- SC The Summit Center
- SRL Swire Resources Limited
- STPGCL Sudanese Thermal Power Generating Company Ltd
- SSI Saigon Securities Inc.
- SG The Spur Group
- SL The Story Lab
- SJPS St. Joseph Public Schools
- SPLC St Peters Lutheran College
- SJL Shoeless Joe's Limited
- SCDR SC Department of Revenue
- SBL Spotted By Locals
- SJC Stella Jones Corporation
- SPSUAI Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation